Saturday, June 1, 2013

Crowdfunding for Swaraj Khojis going to LSuC 2013

Update: The event was amazing; over Rs. 15,000 raised for our participation from friends as well as strangers... thanks, all!

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Many of us Khoji’s are attending the 8th Learning Societies unConference (LSuC) this year, from 14th to 19th June 2013. It is a meeting place for people who are looking for how to move from a schooling society to a learning society, where different learning ecosystems can be supported and nurtured. There will be organic farmers, artists, artisans, activists, designers, filmmakers, healers, alternative educators, entrepreneurs, homeschoolers, unschoolers, barefoot innovators, parents, youth, spiritual seekers, and more coming.

We see this as a great learning opportunity and a place for us to put forward our views on the education system. Also, it’s a great networking opportunity for future collaborations, as over 300 people working in fields similar to ours from all over the country are coming together. As we are khoji’s, still learning and not made much money yet, most of us are unable to pay for our costs in attending this unConference.

Please help us raise funds to cover our costs! This will be covering our food and lodging expenses at the UWC Mahindra college, where this conference is to be held.
swaraj payment screenshot
You can chip in as little as Rs.100, using your debit card. It’ll only take about 5 mins of your time.

1. Go to which is a secure online payment gateway provided by the venue (United World College Mahindra) to process the contributions for the UnConference.

2, See the screenshot on the right to know which options to select. >>

3. Please make sure you add a “(Swaraj)” at the end of your name.

4. You can pay using your Debit or Credit card.

5. Once done, please send an email about it to :
outreach[at] , reenaginwala[at] , nikhil.js[at] (replace [at] with @)

Thanks in advance!

The cost per head for the LSuC is coming to Rs.3200 per head, including food, lodging and all facilities. The contributions are made on a gift culture basis, where we pay as we can, and participants and friends are encouraged to gift the contributions for those who can’t afford the full costs. The LSuC is a for-and-by-the-people gathering; it does not take any funding from agencies and is completely funded by its own participants and their friends. So that’s where you come in! If all of us can get our friends and well-wishers to pitch in with as little as Rs.100, we can crowd-fund our participation.

Here are the Khojis who are attending the unConference this year. Do connect with us on Facebook!

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Gift Economy

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