Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Google IME and Wikipedia (हिंदी में)

नमस्कार | मैं निखिल हूँ.
और मैं अभी google IME का इस्तमाल करके हिंदी भाषा में लिख रहा हूँ |
(English translation : I'm using Google IME to write in Hindi.)

इसका एक screenshot नीचे है :

इसका सबसे बड़ा फायदा ये है की हमें पूरा शब्द लिखनेकी ज़रूरत नहीं पड़ती | यह खुद ब खुद तोल मोलके शब्दों की लिस्ट सामने ला देता है |
जितना ज्यादा इस्तमाल हम इसे करें, ये उतना अच्छा होते जाता है.

हमारे कंप्यूटर में ही एक भाषा की तरह ये install होता है, और इस तरह हम कहीं भी अपनी भाषा में लिख सकते हैं |
भाषा बदलने में भी कोई time नहीं लगता, जैसे इस फोटो में दिखाया गया है.
बस वो नीचे का 'अ' दबाइए (या CTRL+G) और वापिस english पे आ जाइये, फिर वापिस हिंदी पे | ये मेरे लिए बहुत important है, क्यूंकि मुझे शुद्ध हिंदी नहीं आती ;)
हम नीचे का keyboard button click करके complex अक्षर भी दाल सकते है | जैसे की श्र, ऋ, ॐ, ज्ञ, ऽ

इसको आप यहाँ से install कर सकते हो :

उनके Help Section में अच्छी तरह से सब बताया गया है.
मैं मुंबई में wikipedia की दसवी सालगिरह (15 Jan 2011) पर किये गए function में गया था, VJTI college में. वहाँ मैंने कुछ नए दोस्त बनाए, उनमे से Mr. समीर शाह ने मुझे इसके बारे में बताया.

(होलाल्केरेजी, निखिल (मैं), समीरजी)
समीरजी एक retired software engineer हैं , जो विकिपीडिया गुजरती में खूब योगदान कर रहे हैं, येही Google IME का उपयोग करके | एक और senior citizen मेरे अच्छे दोस्त बन गए, Mr. होलाल्केरे लक्ष्मिवेंकतेश, जो कन्नडा में योगदान कर रहे हैं | उन्होंने http://www.baraha.com/ का बराहा software use किया है google IME की तरह ही है.
तो भाषा की सीमा पार करके आप भी अपनी मात्र भाषा की विकिपीडिया पर लग जाइए, बहुत मज़े वाला काम है !

हिंदी : http://hi.wikipedia.org
गुजरती : http://gu.wikipedia.org/
मराठी : http://mr.wikipedia.org/
कन्नडा : http://kn.wikipedia.org/
और भी अनेक भाषाएँ हैं इधर!


Anonymous said...

It is commendable that you actually demonstrated the use of the software; there was such a useless discussion going on about the relative merits and demerits of the

InScript keyboard and the various google language tools. InScript is tied down to the hardware, the qwerty keyboard while G translate, transliterate and IME are software tools which progressively get better with training their newural networks.

I have used the tools extensively for writing in Spanish and Sanskrit. Maybe I'll write a post on how all of them are so different from each other even though they serve the same purpose.

Nikhil said...

Thanks, Alpha!
Just pressing CTRL+G and मैं भाषा swtitch कर सकता हूँ :)
I was chatting on Gtalk to a friend about it, and surprised her too by suddenly switching to hindi, writing in hinglish then switching back and all in real time with very little delay.

And then a step further - Urdu is a language that's spoken similar to hindi but written in arabic script, so I activated that, and wrote an email to my dad in Urdu, and asked him to get his colleague who can, to read it out. Totally awesome - I can now write in a language that I can't even read!!

It's the instant switching coupled with auto-suggest that has won me over... If wikipedia in Indian languages is to really come into its own, there's bound to be english words which will be easier to put as-is instead of taking the trouble to go find the complicated translation that nobody knows anyway! The professor taking the session.. well, I can understand he would want to stick to his keyboard having spent so much time on it, but I felt he shouldn't have gone overboard evangelizing it when he could see the audience was disagreeing with him and a better suggestion was around. Then when he started stating that "why should we put anything english in what we write, they never put anything hindi in theirs!", -- that was just superiority/inferiority complex! I wish we could go back and avoid that whole exchange, it sort of diluted the fun. We ought to take care not to let extremist views take the stage at further meetups.

Anonymous said...

Nikhil, you couldn't have said it better. I at least do one thing as a common courtesy to a person who does not even know English script, something like 'थ्रीजी' for 3G. It is legible to you, me and people who do not even know the English script.

I would vouch for Google Tools WITH support for either the current visual keyboard OR Inscript keyboard. Google IME is just another input method if you do not know English and having a choice of visual OR Inscript keyboard just makes it that much better. Remember, choosing keys with your mouse just gets really tiring after a while and one will start longing for a proper keyboard.

On Android mobiles, 'the final frontier', I want Google IME with choice of virtual keyboards like Inscript or just Simple Varnamala keyboard.

Anonymous said...

I can guess why Kundan Amitabh said that Indian languages aren’t inferior. Apart from English I speak five languages, three of which are Indian. I have seen immense disdain for the vernacular languages and a lot of English-speaking Indians practice an inverted bias against their own languages. Perhaps Amitabh has had similar experiences and that may have induced his remark. It's unacceptable to support one language on the crutches of another.

Issues of snobbery and bias aside, I think you are both right from your respective standpoints. Your differences stem from mixing up the entities that are scripts and languages.

The InScript keyboard is meant for a user of moderate proficiency or higher (in the written form of the language), who wants to write an Indian language in its corresponding script. In that case, it is a no-fuss technique, faster and more efficient than the Google tools and Baraha.

The method – used in Google transliterate (not translate) and Baraha – of phonetically spelling text in Roman letters and characters to convert it into an Indian script may be tedious. The reason is that most Indian languages are phonetically richer. Their scripts contain a greater number of alphabets and characters.

Anonymous said...

Google IME pushes this limitation further by predicting what you are about to write. The software is also trainable. But here is the catch. Its trainability is useful only if you know what the correct stuff is. You should be able to first spot a mistake and tell the software that the output it has generated is the not the one you desired and then point to the correct output. It can’t make up for you lack for proficiency in the language. In your blog post you have misspellt the word मातृभाषा, mother tongue. What you have written literally means ‘the only language’. In case of graver mistakes or more obscure ones, the results can be misleading, confusing or just plain chaotic.

The best thing to happen, as suggested by Mr. Shah above, is of course an integration of both these tools.

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