Saturday, March 12, 2016


Heres a thought thats coming up for me this morning. Its a bit controversial, so apologies if offense caused :

If there is a wonderful person in my life whom i respect highly for some wonderful traits in their personality, if i put him/her up on a pedestal and praise and idolize them, then i don't really have an inclination to implement those good practices in my own life. Because thats only something that "great people" can do.

But on the other hand if I see that person as another person who's not very different from me, then it becomes my responsibility to also implement those good traits in my own life. I cannot excuse myself saying that only great people can do that.

I wonder if that is one reason why we make mahatmas and bhagwans out of our best humans : so that we can escape from the responsibility of emulating those good traits? I know there are other reasons also, but I want to provoke these questions:

What are good traits in my idols that i am refusing to inculcate by boxing them into the great-box and saying i can't be like that?

Is my refusal to do so, then leading to problems in my life that those idols don't have?

Am I then claiming that I have too many problems so I cannot be great like those people? Isn't that then an implicit accusation that those people I respect have it easy and aren't really so great after all? So doesn't this policy (of great-boxing people) become self-contradictory and self-defeating?

Breaking out of that cycle, would my respect for that great person be higher and more authentic if I considered him/her as another human being like myself?

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