Saturday, August 4, 2018

A lot of stupid Phds

This one is for the combined global academia community. No one in particular and all universities in general. And by the way, I'm so grateful for not having to be part of your death cults, just wanted to let you know.

When you have way too many people doing Phd and if your structures don't make room for proportionately more creativity and the necessary permissiveness, openness to push boundaries and conventions that is needed with it,

Then you're going to end up with a lot of stupid Phd's.

Stupid Phd's that make all the sophisticated sound and fury of a sophisticated madman, without any plan or intention to have it mean anything for anyone other than yourself. Phd's that you do when you're too jobless and useless in the real world so you look for excuses to take refuge in academia. 

An academia, by the way, that runs atop super-duper-capitalistic and totalitarian systems and relies on taxes taken involuntarily away and out of local communities so it can be lavished on your high-level needs, (if not that then on the generous donations of billionaires whom we dare not suspect to attach any strings along with their generosity), but within the safe and gilded halls of which you can keep on calling for socialism, marxism, communism and whatever you want to call your version of utopia which at the end of the day calls for taking away everybody else's freedoms "temporarily". Frankly I prefer the gamers who know they're better off implementing their fantasies where one can always press the reset button. An academia where you can be safe behind gates and security and then keep calling for a world without borders.

An example: Phd's are going to go into the bottomless abyss of finding signs of oppression, patriarchy etc etc in every cultural symbol ever created by anybody, from Little Mermaid to Sound of Music to Ajooba to King Kong to family picnics to flowers to whatever comes under the sun, because if nothing else, that's a convenient bottomless abyss you can toss a thousand excess Phd theses into without having to actually rock any boat. Since each and every thing in the world can be interpreted in whichever way we choose, our "brightest" minds have decided they're going to interpret EVERYTHING negatively. (and then we'll say Oh no there's no post-modernism, cultural marxism, no erasure of history etc going on here, please shut up and comply)

There is no need to even prove that the creators of all the things they're dressing up as malevolent actually had any of the intentions their creations are being accused of, because we can conveniently chalk it all up to them doing it "subconsciously", "unconsciously", take your pick. How so very convenient.

Man, how do I end this? Ah, later.

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