Open challenge to organizations desperate for good talent : change your recruitment pattern thus:
Hi! This blog is testament to the fact that the voices in my head are truly out of my control! Rather than going crazy about it, i've decided to channel them constructively!
Friday, October 31, 2014
Hiring in groups of 3
Open challenge to organizations desperate for good talent : change your recruitment pattern thus:
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Campaign to Stop Killer Robots
Statement by ClearPath Robotics
13 August 2014
An open letter to the public –
The Campaign to Stop Killer Robots was launched in April 2013, bringing the topic of "killer robots" under public scrutiny – and for good reason.
To the people against killer robots: we support you.
This technology has the potential to kill indiscriminately and to proliferate rapidly; early prototypes already exist. Despite our continued involvement with Canadian and international military research and development, Clearpath Robotics believes that the development of killer robots is unwise, unethical, and should be banned on an international scale.
The Context
How do we define "killer robot"? Is it any machine developed for military purposes? Any machine which takes actions without human direction? No. We're referring specifically to "lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS)"; systems where a human does not make the final decision for a machine to take a potentially lethal action.
Clearpath Robotics is an organization that engineers autonomous vehicles, systems, and solutions for a global market. As current leaders in the research and development space for unmanned vehicles, making this kind of statement is a risk. However, given the potentially horrific consequences of allowing development of lethal autonomous robots to continue, we are compelled to insist upon the strictest regulation of this technology.
The Double-Edged Sword
There are, of course, pros and cons to the ethics of autonomous lethal weapons and our team has debated many of them at length. In the end, however, we, as a whole, feel the negative implications of these systems far outweigh any benefits.
Is a computer paired with the correct technology less likely to make rash, stress-driven decisions while under fire? Possibly. Conversely, would a robot have the morality, sense, or emotional understanding to intervene against orders that are wrong or inhumane? No.
Would computers be able to make the kinds of subjective decisions required for checking the legitimacy of targets and ensuring the proportionate use of force in the foreseeable future? No.
Could this technology lead those who possess it to value human life less? Quite frankly, we believe this will be the case.
This is an incredibly complex issue. We need to have this discussion now and take a stance; the robotics revolution has arrived and is not going to wait for these debates to occur.
Clearpath's Responsibility
Clearpath Robotics strives to improve the lives of billions by automating the world's dull, dirty, and dangerous jobs. This belief does not preclude the use of autonomous robots in the military; we will continue to support our military clients and provide them with autonomous systems – especially in areas with direct civilian applications such as logistics, reconnaissance, and search and rescue.
In our eyes, no nation in the world is ready for killer robots – technologically, legally, or ethically. More importantly, we see no compelling justification that this technology needs to exist in human hands. After all, the development of killer robots isn't a necessary step on the road to self-driving cars, robot caregivers, safer manufacturing plants, or any of the other multitudes of ways autonomous robots can make our lives better. Robotics is at a tipping point, and it's up to all of us to decide what path this technology takes.
Take Action
As a company which continues to develop robots for various militaries worldwide, Clearpath Robotics has more to lose than others might by advocating entire avenues of research be closed off. Nevertheless, we call on anyone who has the potential to influence public policy to stop the development of killer robots before it's too late.
We encourage those who might see business opportunities in this technology to seek other ways to apply their skills and resources for the betterment of humankind. Finally, we ask everyone to consider the many ways in which this technology would change the face of war for the worse. Voice your opinion and take a stance. #killerrobots
Sunday, October 26, 2014
For Free Energy Critics
Has anyone else noticed this : In most fields / sectors, the critic is someone who first tries out the thing in question for himself/herself, and then makes his/her jugements. A food critic will actually bother to eat at the restaurant first; a movie critic will actually go watch that movie first. And then they let loose.
But in the realm of free energy technologies, the critics seem to feel no need to oblige for any honest first-hand experience. You won't see them actually visiting or inspecting those labs.
They'll just use the standard textbook theories to dismiss any new thing straight from their armchairs. At best they drill into the sentences the inventors SAY and nit-pick them as if it's a capital crime to be not fully explanatory or fluent or miss out some detail or make an error.
Get off your butt, critics.
Open challenge to actually go visit one of these experiments, scout the area, video/photo your evidence, take the trouble of doing measurements etc and THEN publish your dismissal of said technology.
And since we know how one movie is different from the other even if both have the same director and so need to be seen and evaluated separately, you're going to have to repeat that process for the next experiment too; no laziness of dismissing all future experiments based on the failure of one. Every inventor makes failed outputs first, in case you didn't know that.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Coca-Cola plant in Mehdiganj near Varanasi
"And pollution from the plant has destroyed our fields." In 2002-2003, construction work on a national highway blocked the plant's effluent discharge drain, flooding the nearby fields with wastewater and destroying hectares of standing crop. Farmers say that effluents seeped into the soil, rendering it infertile.
Following complaints about Coca-Cola's bottling plants in Kerala and West Bengal, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) conducted a survey of 16 soft-drink bottling plants across India. The effluent sludge of eight Coca-Cola bottling plants was found to have unacceptably high levels of cadmium, lead and chromium. Mehdiganj was one of them.
P M Ansari, Additional Director, CPCB, explained that the high heavy metal concentrations posed a health risk if the sludge was not disposed of correctly. "The sludge must be stored in lined, concrete landfills specifically designed for this purpose." At present, Uttar Pradesh has no such landfills."
--from Forwarded message ----------
![]() | ||
At the Story of Stuff, we're rewriting the narrative that has us overworked and trashing the planet. We're working to build a world that is healthy, sustainable, and just.
11 part documentary series on alternative perspectives on Cancer
Thursday, October 23, 2014
I am left handed
tasks with my right hand no matter how much I try, whereas my left
hand can do them easily. Since holding the tumbler is better done by
my left hand, obviously I use my right hand when I have to wash myself
during daily morning routines. Now that would really offend some of my
more religious fellow humans, as our traditions of taking prasad,
doing puja etc with the right hand have evolved with the assumption
that the entire population is right-handed only. So I have take care
to keep that little detail private and not tell anybody. Still, I have
to eat, write etc with my left hand only and that is visible to all..
it's impossible to hide.
Should the majority of the population which is right-handed, consider
me to be a threat to their way of life? Should they all look down upon
me, treat me as sub-human because of my left-handedness? What if I was
also persecuted for being born left-handed the same way a minority of
the general population is born LGBT? And would it be OK to demand that
I make all the efforts to change to being right-handed just to make
the rest of the right-handed people comfortable?
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
A Hindu-Muslim couple walks into a bar...
Ref: , Special Marriage Act (SMA), 1954
Simple blood plasma antibodies transfusion from Ebola survivors shown to cure Ebola; expensive GM ZMapp "cure" is a cheap imitation of the same thing
"Convalescent serum uses human antibodies of survivors. ZMapp uses mouse antibodies that have been genetically modified and then grown in genetically modified tobacco plants. "
This needs more looking into, of course. But there are living survivors swearing by it. If true, then it turns the tables on the conventional isolationist medical paradigm : rather than staying away, people can come together to cure each other; survivors can turn from victims into heroes, and "infect" several victims with the cure and the cure can be made to spread and propagate the same way the disease is, rather than relying upon expensive, side-effect-laden chemicals manufactured by profiteering pharma giants.
Copy-posting from
Is convalescent serum unproven as the WHO says? It's a treatment technique that's been used effectively for 124 years, called passive immunity.
Dr. Kent Brantley and others who have contracted Ebola have been eager to receive and to pass on blood from survivors of Ebola. He received blood plasma antibodies from a patient he treated in Africa that survived. After Dr. Brantley survived, he donated plasma antibodies to the next American doctor to be infected, Dr. Sacra who also recovered. Brantley has also donated blood to two others who are still fighting Ebola: Ashoka Kukpo, the NBC cameraman, and Nina Pham the first Dallas nurse to contract the disease.
Brantley is not the only medical worker who appears to believe the treatment is effective. Will Pooley, the British nurse who survived Ebola, flew to Atlanta to offer his blood and a Spanish Ebola survivor flew to Spain to give her blood to a Spanish priest with Ebola, but arrived too late.
In Africa, demand for survivors' blood has created a "black market" that the World Health Organization (WHO) says needs to be shut down with help from governments.
The WHO said months ago that the treatment is "unproven" but "promising" and that they need to "look into" it someday.
Still no word on when that's going to happen.
As mainstream media casts doubt on convalescent serum's effectiveness, it promotes the GMO drug ZMapp as a "miracle".
ZMapp was created by a small company backed by DARPA, the military industrial complex's bio-weapons bureaucy and Big Tobacco.
Mass production of the GMO drug is ramping up with funding from the Gates Foundation, and the bio-pharmaceutical industry.
Which begs the questions: why develop a GMO imitation if the human version is "unproven" and why delay treatment when a large supply of convalescent serum is now available from survivors?
DARPA's "miracle" drug imitates a strategy WHO says is unproven
ZMapp imitates convalescent serum's method to fight Ebola — antibodies. Unlike a vaccine where an antigen (usually a dead or weakened version of the disease) is supposed to provoke the body's immune system into producing antibodies over time to prevent the disease, convalescent serum supplies antibodies by a transfusion of the plasma (serum) of a survivor (convalescent). Those antibodies can begin fighting the disease immediately, jump starting or boosting the person's immune response.
The method is called passive immunity and it has a long history — all the way back to the 1880's. German scientist Emil von Behring won a Nobel Prize in 1901 for his work in successfully treating diphtheria and tetanus with convalescent serum. Blood plasma antibodies were used in the early 1940s to prevent and treat measles and hepatitis. Techniques for large scale fractionation of plasma to separate antibodies were developed by Cohn and funded by the US government as World War II preparation. Most recently a Hong Kong scientist used convalescent serum to successfully treat patients in the SARS outbreak.
He claimed a quick recovery and no side effects for the 70 patients he treated.
A study of convalescent serum treatment for Ebola patients was done during the 1995 outbreak. It was a small study, with only 8 patients. But all previous Ebola outbreaks have been relatively small. This outbreak only affected 316 people with 80% casualty rate. In the study, 7 of 8 convalescent serum patients survived — a 12.5% casualty rate. The one who died no longer had fever but had an epileptic seizure and was found dead, next to her bed, with a head injury. So it's possible that it was 100% effective.
The study looked very promising but when it was released as a paper in 1999, they added anecdotal accounts of 12 other patients who received convalescent serum, 11 of whom died. Why they added this is puzzling since, unlike the study, we know nothing about the patients, donors or blood serum. The study was carefully monitored to be sure that patients received clean blood with no Ebola antigens or other diseases present. The age and condition of patients and donors was documented along with how long it had been since the donors had recovered. None of that information was given for the footnoted patients.
How does ZMapp compare to convalescent serum?
Convalescent serum uses human antibodies of survivors. ZMapp uses mouse antibodies that have been genetically modified and then grown in genetically modified tobacco plants.
The ZMapp vaccine was used in a test of 18 monkeys. All survived. In humans, it has been given to 7 patients worldwide — 3 Liberians and 4 westerners. It's unpublished whether the 3 Liberians who received ZMapp also got convalescent serum. Two survived, one died. Of the remaining four, Kent Brantley and Will Pooley got both ZMapp and convalescent serum. Nancy Writebol got ZMapp and blood transfusions but not convalescent serum. She said she began to have an allergic reaction to ZMapp and they reduced the dosage. Miguel Pajares, a Spanish priest, received only ZMapp and died. So its not clear whether ZMapp or convalescent serum cured Brantley and Pooley since they got both. Of patients who received only ZMapp, 1 survived and 1 didn't. In fairness, the trial is too small to draw conclusions but with only a 50% survival for the "miracle" drug, it's the only one being put into production.
What is the treatment strategy planned by governments and corporations?
A large supply of real human antibodies is already on hand from thousands of Ebola survivors. Testing donor blood for disease and creating a donor registry to match blood types could be done today but the plan is to pursue the artificial patented approach.
The Gates Foundation and bio-pharmaceutical industry want to grow the ZMapp GMO antibodies in animals rather than plants. They say that approach will increase production in the long run but delay deployment of the drug for months.
By the time Big Pharma ramps up production of the GMO "plantibodies" used in ZMapp, Ebola will be a worldwide pandemic at the current exponential rate of growth in Africa. Even though the safety and efficacy will not be known, a lot of customers will literally be dying for their product. They may be "forced" to charge exorbitant prices for a limited supply.
Most of the treatments in development utilize genetic attacks against the Ebola virus. What are the potential side effects of these treatments? To stop a pandemic they will be rushed to market without testing for safety or effectiveness. Even if a drug is safe and effective, will dangerous additives be present when it's mass produced? And will these untested drugs be mandated for the population?
In contrast to experimental GMO drugs, as long as convalescent serum is matched for blood type and screened for disease, there are no dangerous side effects.
Even though convalescent serum looks promising, it is not a magic cure either. Palliative care, keeping the patients hydrated and electrolytes balanced, are major factors in survival. The patients physical condition and the health of their immune system is even more important.
Laying Groundwork for Medical Tyranny and Record Profits
Cleanup crews delayed for days, nurses treating the patient for 2 days without protective clothing, a nurse with Ebola and manifesting a high fever given the OK to fly commercially , etc. Is it merely jaw-dropping incompetence? If it's incompetence, then why haven't the people in charged been fired or at least transferred? Given the implicit endorsement of the violations of protocols and officials at the federal, state and local level not only lying to the public about risks but actually modeling behavior that will spread a pandemic, it looks like they would like another crisis that will be an opportunity for the government to increase control via a medical tyranny and for their corporation friends to transfer more wealth from the public to themselves.
Ignoring and dismissing transfusions of antibodies from survivors to patients while promoting a GMO imitation has implications beyond mere profiteering. We've seen this before with natural treatments denounced as ineffective while synthetic imitations of the same treatment are promoted e.g., medical marijuana versus marinol.
But if convalescent serum, used successfully for treatment for 124 years and highly valued by Ebola survivors, is not known to be effective, then why is the government mimicking it with GMO plantibodies? Even with a 70% casualty rate, there are thousands of survivors who could become donors. All that's needed for immediate deployment of the treatment is a donor registry and testing. But western governments and NGO's are going to focus on a "magic" solution that won't be available for months fiddling as Africa burns down. In only 2 months, at the current rate of growth, Ebola will infect between 5% and 15% of the population. Many will flee the chaos and death and it will go worldwide. The potential for population culling, medical tyranny and corporate profits are staggering.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Libertarian Municipalism : direct democracy experiment in Rojava, Syria/Kurdistan
The autonomous region of Rojava, as it exists today, is one of few bright spots – albeit a very bright one – to emerge from the tragedy of the Syrian revolution. Having driven out agents of the Assad regime in 2011, and despite the hostility of almost all of its neighbours, Rojava has not only maintained its independence, but is a remarkable democratic experiment. Popular assemblies have been created as the ultimate decision-making bodies, councils selected with careful ethnic balance (in each municipality, for instance, the top three officers have to include one Kurd, one Arab and one Assyrian or Armenian Christian, and at least one of the three has to be a woman), there are women's and youth councils, and, in a remarkable echo of the armed Mujeres Libres (Free Women) of Spain, a feminist army, the "YJA Star" militia (the "Union of Free Women", the star here referring to the ancient Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar), that has carried out a large proportion of the combat operations against the forces of Islamic State.
How can something like this happen and still be almost entirely ignored by the international community, even, largely, by the International left? Mainly, it seems, because the Rojavan revolutionary party, the PYD, works in alliance with Turkey's Kurdish Worker's Party (PKK), a Marxist guerilla movement that has since the 1970s been engaged in a long war against the Turkish state. Nato, the US and EU officially classify them as a "terrorist" organisation. Meanwhile, leftists largely write them off as Stalinists.
But, in fact, the PKK itself is no longer anything remotely like the old, top-down Leninist party it once was. Its own internal evolution, and the intellectual conversion of its own founder, Abdullah Ocalan, held in a Turkish island prison since 1999, have led it to entirely change its aims and tactics.
The PKK has declared that it no longer even seeks to create a Kurdish state. Instead, inspired in part by the vision of social ecologist and anarchist Murray Bookchin, it has adopted the vision of "libertarian municipalism", calling for Kurds to create free, self-governing communities, based on principles of direct democracy, that would then come together across national borders – that it is hoped would over time become increasingly meaningless. In this way, they proposed, the Kurdish struggle could become a model for a wordwide movement towards genuine democracy, co-operative economy, and the gradual dissolution of the bureaucratic nation-state.
Questioning forced vaccination
And if you do choose to speculate upon this topic, kindly keep in central focus the wellbeing of our young, the basic chemical composition of these vaccines (yes, please try to find that out for yourself first) and the facts on the ground. Lawsuits have been filed. Investigations are being carried out. Several kids who were in perfect health just prior to vaccination have already died or are facing a life of abnormality. Is it fair to justify it all in the name of preventing some naturally occurring diseases that wouldn't have killed/maimed this many people by themselves?
India Holds Bill Gates Accountable For His Vaccine Crimes

Young Tribal Girls Tested With HPV Vaccines
Gates Foundation, WHO, PATH, GAVI, UNICEF Behind Chad Vaccine Disaster
Government Inquiry Holds GAVI Accountable for Multiple Deaths
The Gates Foundation and WHO Labeled Unethical by Medical Experts
The Gates Foundation Blamed for 10,000 Vaccine-Related Deaths
MOKSH: (Monitoring Knowledge & Social Health)
An International Network of Eminent Scientists Questioning the Science Behind "Science"
Odisha, India
Disclaimer: Views expressed in my mails are my own and may not represent that of the organisation.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
"The Quest for The Cures... Continues" 11 part documentary on Cancer
that's currently playing (each episode is put on youtube for a day)
I watched their Episode 3 - "Eliminate these Dirty Dozen to prevent
Cancer" a couple of days back, and found it very good.. wrapped up a
lot of important details .
Their first two episodes are:
Episode 1 -
Episode 2 -
Saturday, October 18, 2014
To the women in my life
away from mine.
To S and S, for giving me feedback that I seriously needed, when I
needed it, and thus slaying the monster that I was turning into.
To O, for being so alive and so in-your-face.
To S, for making me realize that to love a woman doesn't mean wanting
her to be with you; it means wanting to see her happy and full of life
wherever she is and whoever she is with.
To A, for showing me that resourcefullness and intellect do not need
to have a well-off financial background.
To X, Y and Z, and subsequently many more, for sharing with complete
trust and vulnerability the pain and trauma of being sexually abused,
for making it so real and close for me that it fundamentally changed
the value systems I'd associated with masculinity.
To P, for making me rethink how our streets can be made safer.
To the attendant at the petrol pump, for making me aware though her
silent terror and insistence on me getting off my bike first, how it
feels to be teased and groped by customers when you're serving them.
To D, for showing me that strength comes from vulnerability.
To L, for helping me notice when walking on the streets together how
fundamentally different it is for a woman to be walking in public in
my country; how much sexual harassment behaviour has been programmed
into our otherwise normal Indian males by the society we're living in.
To S, for displaying a mastery over power tools and hammers and nails
and wood so skillfully that it destroyed my preconceptions of what are
masculine and feminine jobs.
To K, for showing me when it's a good time to shut up and get things going.
To N, for standing up for yourself, having extraordinary courage under
institutional fire, yet remaining vulnerable, and for continuing to
care for those under your charge, even while you were being paraded in
your whole fraternity as a bad person.
To L, for showing me when it's a good time to take a pause and talk
about uncomfortable things.
To S, for showing me how it's not such a good idea to panic about not
being married yet after the 29th birthday. (:P)
To R, for constantly reminding me about the OTHER perspectives that I
was missing out in my understanding of the world.
To S, for showing me how not to take things so seriously, to be and let be.
To V, for showing me how far behind a person can leave their
well-protected, fortress backgrounds to care for their fellow human
To S, for showing me a life full of compassion and love for all, and
the unlimited extents one can go to and impossible things that one can
do when living such a life.
To R, for showing me how to celebrate differences in opinion and stay
friends with people despite disagreements.
To K, for showing me how superior bottom-up, organic growth in plans
is to top-down "intellectual" planning.
To S, for showing me that being a feminist does not mean being rough
and tough like a man; but rather to celebrate the feminine; to be
delicate, creative, colourful, embellishing, vulnerable, vivacious,
loving and caring.
To R and U, for showing me the powers of openness, generosity, friendship and good feelings for all, and how to age gracefully yet youthfully.
To the women of the villages, for the strength, the generosity, the
self-reliance, the kindness, the full-of-life laughter that you fill
the air with.
Thank you. Hope to keep meeting you again.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Need for opinion decentralization of a political movement
Monday, October 13, 2014
UK govt's officially declassified UFO files
Friday, October 10, 2014
Off season social media paid audiences
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
My cup of tea
Maybe I need to spend some time without having any cup of tea.
Do you love reading your own writing too?
Infinite growth mentality applied to Bakri-Eid
Closer to home, it was painful for me to one day pass a gated ground a few days before Eid, in the peth areas, where thousands of goats had been crammed in. I drove by there daily, so knew that this wasn't a regular place where goats are reared : this was a ground used for other purposes. It was a sea of helpless bleats. I'm opposed to this infinite-growth mentality applied to Bakri-Eid just the same as I'm opposed to the infinite-growth mentality applied to the meat industry. The Muslim community needs to start talking about this, needs to make some changes. Delaying that talk in the name of religion is only serving to demonize them even more in this already polarizing climate.
Are you sure you anger is directed at the true perpetrator of the crime?
Flaws of pushing free market system and neoliberal agenda everywhere
Monday, October 6, 2014
MH elections: past parties of BJP candidates
So is this how BJP plans on making Congress-mukt Maharashtra :
(copying from a whatsapp fwd)
भाजपाचे उमेदवार झालेले इतर पक्षीय (कंसात त्यांच्या जुन्या पक्षाचे नाव)
१. नंदुरबार - विजयकुमार गावीत (राष्ट्रवादी)
२. धुळे- अनिल गोटे (शे.सं)
३. भुसावळ - संजय सावकारे (राष्ट्रवादी)
४. अमरावती - सुनील देशमुख (काँग्रेस)
५. हिंगणा- समीर मेघे (काँग्रेस)
६. भोकर - माधवराव किन्हाळकर (काँग्रेस)
७. परभणी - आनंद भरोसे (काँग्रेस)
८. औरंगाबाद मध्य - किशनचंद तनवाणी (शिवसेना)
९. गंगापूर - प्रशांत बंब (अपक्ष)
१०. सिन्नर - माणिकराव कोकाटे (काँग्रेस-राणे समर्थक)
११.मुरबाड - किसनराव कथोरे (राष्ट्रवादी)
१२. बेलापूर - मंदा म्हात्रे (राष्ट्रवादी)
१३. घाटकोपर (प.) - राम कदम (मनसे) - विधिमंडळ आवारात पोलीसला मारहाण
१४. पनवेल - प्रशांत ठाकूर-(काँग्रेस)- राहुल गांधींचे विश्वासू १५. चिंचवड - लक्ष्मण जगताप (राष्ट्रवादी)
१६. श्रीगोंदा - बबनराव पाचपुते (राष्ट्रवादी) - खडसेसाहेबांनी विधानसभेत तुफान टीका केलेले
१७. शिराळा- शिवाजीराव नाईक (काँग्रेस)
१८. तासगाव - अजित घोरपडे (काँग्रेस)
१९. पुरंदर - संगीता राजे निंबाळकर (मनसे)
२०. नांदेड दक्षिण - दिलीप कंदकुर्ते
२१. बुलढाणा- योगेंद्र गोडे (राष्ट्रवादी)
२२.दौंड -राहुल कुल -रासप (राष्ट्रवादी)
२३.सावंतवाडी - राजन तेली (काँग्रेस)
२४. उस्मानाबाद- संजय दुधगावकर (काँग्रेस)
२५. लातूर- शैलेश लाहोटी (काँग्रेस)
२६. कंधार - प्रताप चिखलीकर (राष्ट्रवादी)
२७. कन्नड - संजय गव्हाणे (समता परिषद)
२८. कोपरगाव-स्नेहलता कोल्हे (राष्ट्रवादी)
२९. पारनेर-बाबासाहेब तांबे (शिवसेना)
३०. राहुरी-शिवाजी कर्डिले
३१. राहाता -राजेंद्र पिपाडा (राष्ट्रवादी)
३२. नेवासा-बाळासाहेब मुरकुटे (कॉंग्रेस)
३३. आष्टी - भीमराव धोंडे (राष्ट्रवादी)
३४. पाथर्डी- मोनिका राजळे (राष्ट्रवादी)
३५. चोपडा - जगदीश वळवी (राष्ट्रवादी)
३६. धुळे ग्रामीण - मनोहर बडने (काँग्रेस)
३७. नांदगाव- अद्वय हिरे (राष्ट्रवादी)
३८. जालना- अरविंद चव्हाण (राष्ट्रवादी)
३९. ??? - विनायक मेटे (शिवसंग्रामचे उमेदवार, कट्टर भाजप विचाराचे !)
४०. पैठण - विनायक हिवाळे (शिवसेना)
४१. श्रीरामपूर - भाऊसाहेब वाकचौरे (काँग्रेस)
४२. कोपरगाव- स्नेहलता कोल्हे (राष्ट्रवादी)
४३. घनसावंगी - विलासराव खरात (काँग्रेस)
४४. कोल्हापूर (द.)- अमोल महाडिक (काँग्रेस)
४५. नेवासा - बाळासाहेब मुरकुटे (काँग्रेस)
४६. अहमदनगर - अभय आगरकर (भाजप, नंतर राष्ट्रवादी)
४७. निफाड- भगवान बोरस्ते (शिवसेना)
४८. भोर- शरद ढमाले (शिवसेना)
४९. जुन्नर - नेताजी डोके (शिवसेना)
५०. खेड - जयसिंह एरंडे (शिवसेना)
Saturday, October 4, 2014
7 deadly sins
- Wealth without work
- Pleasure without conscience
- Science without humanity
- Knowledge without character
- Politics without principle
- Commerce without morality
- Worship without sacrifice.
2. Game Shows, Reality TV, item songs & objectifiation of women
3. GMOs, fertilizers, pesticides
4. NSA and similar spying on citizenry
5. Using Kashmir flood emergency to justify AFSPA and colonial treatment; branding all dissent as Maoists; etc etc
6. GDP Growth through violated Environmental and Labour norms; Paid News
7. Bhaktjano...
Time to think beyond UGC approval
Friday, October 3, 2014
What Facebook is doing
The fussy old man

...and he said...
...and he said...
...and he said...
...and he said...
...and he said...
...and he said...
...and he said...
...and he said...
...and he said...
...and he said...
...and he said...
...and he said...
...and he said...
...and he said... (my favourite :0)
... such was that fussy old man who changed the destiny of an Empire with a fistful of salt!!
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Interesting links for September 2014
Gift Economy
(PS: there's no ads or revenue sources of any kind on this blog)