Hi, this is an email about the ongoing purges happening across social media right now under the garb of stopping hate speech (and guess who gets to define what is hate speech.. a really tiny number of questionable people with zero accountability! What could possibly go wrong??). There's a LOT happening, and I suggest you skip ahead to the video links to get intro's about the ongoing culture wars.
Referring to the forwarded email below this one that I got from PragerU,
Several conservative youtube channels like LibertyHound that merely shared clips of news are getting de-platformed, being starved out of existence through demonetization despite having more viewers than legacy media like CNN does. Where's the criminal content? Youtube gives the official reason that it's a copy of a news show. Those news shows have NO PROBLEMS with their clips being shared, so why does Youtube have a problem?
Why doesn't the Western Left fight fair? Why can't they give a valid counter-argument? Why do they only want to destroy and not create? They have ALL the dominant monopolies on their side: Google, Facebook, Twitter, ALL the mainstream media. They dominate the universities (which is how they got to dominate the former mentioned companies btw.. ideological homogeneity based recruitment!) They're not being censored or under attack. They're the ones attacking. Why do they want to ban EVERYONE from hearing whatever ideas challenge their narrative? Why is this cutting-off-all-voices behaviour reflected in the historic track record of all the countries they've held power in? Why do they keep saying they're for people's emancipation but then start wiping out all dissent as soon they get any kind of real power in their hands? What's with this Gulag obsession? Why do they keep wanting to send everybody to the Gulag, whether real or digital?
If this isn't the Leftists shedding all decency, and going overboard, what is? If this isn't the Left being in bed with powerful billionaire capitalists and the Deep State, what is it?
To everyone who describes themselves as being left-leaning or standing for social justice : if the exact same thing was happening to your side, if your voice and sources of critical information got systematically cut off from the internet, would you still say you have no right to complain and "it's a private company" like the poster-boys of the Left are saying right now (yay the Left loves monopoly capitalism.. glad we got that out of the way!)?
Would you be OK with entire libraries getting burnt down because one of the books was offensive or false?
I think not. I think you'd want these platforms to honour the original promise they had made of political neutrality. I think you'd be pissed off for these platforms spending all these years proclaiming to be neutral and being the public square and thus taking massive government subsidies and help to become the monopolies they are, and suddenly shedding all forms of decency and stabbing you in the back and then saying "oh, but we're a private company!". I think you'd feel OPPRESSED by the extreme upper-handed behaviour being exercised here. You would call this behaviour totalitarianism. But when you see the exact same thing being done to people you've been trained by the corrupt MSM to think of as haters, then it's all OK, huh? Can't prove anything in court but hey let's screw them all over anyways because we've dehumanized them by now, isn't it?
What amuses me the most is the sheer naivete of the people supporting all this. Do you seriously believe this won't be used against you? Do you think the de-platforming of Infowars and others wasn't a subtle advertisement to all the highest bidders in the world, saying "Look! We can erase all your political opposition in a flash. Sale, Sale, Sale!". Why do you think all those super-rich investors have invested in these platforms? Why do you think world leaders like India's PM go visit these tech giants at their offices? It's never just for the selfie, my dear.
Newsflash: Everyone in the West who opposes GMOs is automatically branded as far-right extremist. Even TED says so. That far-right-extremist label is going to be applied to ALL the Indian activists opposing GMOs too. Vandana Shiva, Kavitha Kuruganthi, Claude Alvares etc are all going to be branded as far-right extremists. Heck, looking at the way India's twiterrati are behaving, I'm pretty sure if the UPA govt had continued in 2014, this would be the case already. All the processes were already in place. (by the way I voted for AAP and have supported Kejriwal parting ways with YY and the other leftists precisely because of all this) Manish Jain too is an unschooler and also speaks ill of vaccines, so he is, according to the status quo, a far-right extremist too. See, for these authoritarians, anyone who doesn't obey their narrative, is a far right extremist, including moderate leftists. They are the mirror image of the authoritarian right wing (look up the Political Horseshoe theory), and IMHO more dangerous than Bhakts, because the left hates freedom of speech much more than the right does. Anything they disagree with, is hate speech. Anyways, this labeling culture is quickly coming to India too, they will be played by our Deep State like they got played in the US, and when they cut all the alternative voices off, there won't be anyone left to stand up for you.
Alex Jones gets branded as a conspiracy theorist, and then ALL THE COMPANIES COLLUDE to ban him at the exact same time, give ZERO proper evidence to prove their stated reason, zero paths to appeal, and they've expanded and are blocking more and more voices by the day, all of whom happen to be on one side of the political spectrum. All of this coming in the heat of a crucial mid-term elections in the US : how is this not Election Meddling? Google, Facebook, Twitter are the original "Russians" meddling in elections everywhere. It is these search and social media giants who control what people see and have complete surveillance on everybody. They are the real meddlers that the mainstream has been tasked to distract you from by giving you red herrings like Cambridge Analytica (again, SOMEBODY please lay it out for me: How exactly did a tiny company with no monopoly presence swing that Election? By sending personal messages to half the population? Please show me the evidence to prove it!). The dominant tech giants are the ones who have the capability to influence elections, and they're the ones doing it as we speak.
Extra: On the Russia hysteria: In India it's the super-charged nationalists who we see hell-bent on blaming Pakistan this, Pakistan that.. Jingoism is the word, right? Well, in the US circa now, it's the "no borders" "love trumps hate" etc side that's chanting Russia this Russia that, accusing the Russians for ALL their problems, and ratcheting up a global nuclear holocaust, while it's the people they accuse of being "white nationalists" or some permutation of that who are saying: Hold on, stop blaming Russia for everything, let's not get everybody killed for a faked dossier. I never thought I'd live to see a day when the "jingoists" want peace and the "love" people want war. Unless the mainstream media who have branded these two sides have been completely lying to us about everything this entire time, that is. Hmmmm.
A few simple questions unravel the walled garden of the status quo.
1. How come none of these super-sophisticated censorship mechanisms, AI etc being deployed by the tech giants to kill all non-Clinton-conforming opinions, has ever been used on ISIS and other terrorist groups that actually kill people and violate ALL the terms of use by a mile?
2. When Google had the option to crack down on ISIS or to crack down on conservatives, why did they give ISIS a free reign and only went after conservatives? ISIS recruited their useful idiots from SOCIAL MEDIA. Those idiots weren't on the dark web. I've expanded more on this here.
3. Why did the internet giants collude to actually take down a right-wing website (Daily Stormer) when just months before they had flat-out refused to do that exact same action on ISIS-controlled websites by citing freedom of speech principles? How was Daily Stormer much more dangerous than ISIS, which beheaded entire villages and sold thousands of girls into sex slavery? Why did the tech giants defend ISIS's right to recruit terrorists and spread its death cult propaganda, and then get so enraged over some article that they felt a "moral duty" to take an annoying right-wing blog manned by some old retirees down?
4. How was the most well-funded terrorist organisation in world history winging it without using ANY of the world's major banks to store or transfer the hefty monthly paychecks they were paying their fighters, or wire transfer services like Paypal, Visa or MasterCard? And why do PayPal, MasterCard etc only NOW want to deny services to conservative citizen journalists when they were perfectly happy with serving terrorists?
5. When SJW after SJW keeps posting absolute hate speech against all white people, dehumanizing everybody including children, and explicitly calling for harming or killing or raping all people of a certain color, why is that always given a free pass? Why do prominent journalists and editors in the mainstream press get to do that repeatedly and never be held accountable, while the citizen journalists merely pointing this anomaly out get banned or suspended off the platforms?
6. Why is being a white person today being treated with the exact same attitude as being a Jew was treated in Hitler's Germany in the run-up to the Holocaust? And when a non-white person objects to this, why are they accused of abandoning their race?
7. Why is it that Alex Jones is the one who has consistently opposed all US wars of aggression, whereas CNN, BBC, NYTimes etc who keep claiming to stand for "peace" (can't prove it with actions so you have to keep repeating it, can you?), are the ones who actually LIED TO US ALL, peddled all those wars, and are complicit in millions of deaths worldwide? Why then do we consider the anti-war guys as fake news and warmongers as real news?
It is the people who are asking these difficult questions, that are being banned from the internet today. Infowars has served a crucial role in the last decade: it is the platform that whistleblowers go to because they need to get crucial messages out to the public and don't have the irrefutable evidence or police protection with them yet. It's where warnings about the 9/11 attacks came before they happened. It's where the eyewitnesses who disagreed with the official 9/11 conspiracy theory (you know.. the Bush govt sanctioned one which violates all the laws of Physics) could go to to tell what they'd seen before they got killed off. Infowars lets everyone say their thing, and lets the free market of ideas decide later who was being credible and who wasn't. They're like an internet tabloid and everything-goes zone. That's the place we first heard about the population-wide NSA surveillance program long before Snowden gave proof of it. And all those kinds of people, all the whistleblower platforms, are getting censored off the internet today.
Do you seriously think it's a good idea to just ban everyone who challenges the status quo? Have we learned absolutely nothing from history? What will you do when the status quo turns against you?
I see the most extreme hypocrisy amongst the Left / liberals / socialists today in blindly forgiving CNN for causing millions of deaths and then justifying widespread digital book-burning on the grounds that someone once said something off and then IMMEDIATELY RETRACTED IT. Yes, Alex Jones has apologized over and over again for making wrong calls. They're playing the role of TABLOIDS for God's sake, you know what the operating framework is for tabloids : quickest to publish and so may well be wrong. The most oft-used excuse for justifying Infowars' takedown is the Sandy Hook episode, but the fact remains that that's not the official reason given by any of the platforms. I've written a bit about that here, not gotten any links in yet. I'd show you the actual videos but hey the whole channel's gone now.
You wanted to prove Alex Jones and all those people wrong for pointing out conspiracies and collusion amongst various power centres? Well, with these massive co-ordinated censorship attacks you have only proved that they were right all along! With the way the media is celebrating it, the Left is left standing exposed as a bunch of jealous little power-grabbers who want to get rid of whoever challenges their dominant narrative, without actually doing the work to convince people about their narratives. It's almost as if they expect that as an entitlement.
So, folks, I for one am going to make sure I watch, read and archive EVERYTHING that the leftists, the SJWs do not want me to see. I invite you to join me. Beyond the walled gardens of the status quo, there is a wide open field with really interesting things. And the global political dialogue, is moving on from these abuser platforms. Real.video , minds.com, gab.ai, diaspora, bitchute and other platforms are coming up, but there have been several under-handed attacks there too. Already in the week that Infowars got banned from all the social networks, their website also was being systematically attacked and was down for days. Leftists never like to play fair, of course.
Are you a freedom of speech supporter? Really? Do you know what it takes to be one? It involves upholding the rights to free expression of the people that you DISAGREE with, so check yourself closely on this one! Or are you merely a charlatan, supporting only those that you agree with and not giving a damn about those you don't agree with?
New to all this? Watch these videos. And if you want the left / mainstream take on it, simply google the subject! I'm only going to share with you what the status quo doesn't want you to see, don't expect more!
The censorship racket EXPLAINED: No due process, no evidence, no defense
Lester Holt comedy word salad reveals deceptive edit techniques used against Alex Jones
>> What's happened in most of the cases where mainstream media "quotes" Alex Jones. Latest being a cut-pasted clip that jumbled words together from several different clips to claim that he's calling on everyone to grab their guns and start shooting people. (Yes, the American mainstream media ACTUALLY DOES THIS nowadays, now you get why they're called "Fake News"? Pretty much all the "but Alex Jones said XYZ" quotes reference these jumbled-up clips, so when you get told, demand to see the original.). Which leads to...
Media False Flag Imminent! -Millennial Millie, 2018-08-17
WEB EXCLUSIVE: Don't Celebrate The Banning of Alex Jones -Redacted Tonight, 2018-08-09
What Will Happen Next After Alex Jones InfoWars Ban -WeAreChange, 2018-08-08
What Will Happen Next After Alex Jones InfoWars Ban -WeAreChange, 2018-08-08
Trump Finally Addresses Social Media Censorship of Conservatives -Computing Forever, 2018-08-18
If you want to archive any youtube channel's full metadata before it gets banned, try using this script:
(you'll need to use an API key)
Also, to download any channel in full, use youtube-dl and put the channel's url, the playlist url, or the video url in.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: PragerU
Date: Sat, Aug 18, 2018 at 7:54 PM
Subject: BREAKING: Facebook completely censors our videos
From: PragerU
Date: Sat, Aug 18, 2018 at 7:54 PM
Subject: BREAKING: Facebook completely censors our videos
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