Thursday, March 20, 2014

Vikalp Sangam / Alternatives India: A website of hope

Vikalp Sangam / Alternatives India: A website of hope;

Are you tired of reading and hearing only about scandals, crime, corruption, and other such bad news? Sick of the depressing daily headlines? Do you long to hear some good news?


We bring you Vikalp Sangam / Alternatives India, a website dedicated to the creative work that people across India are doing as alternatives to the current models of destructive development and self-promoting governance. The site will feature initiatives in the fields of sustainable agriculture, pastoralism and fisheries, community health and learning, decentralised governance, social justice, dignified and sustainable livelihoods, decentralised water and energy production, equitable access to social services, producer and consumer control of the market, creative media and arts in the service of sustainability and justice, and democratic conservation.


The site covers stories, case studies, perspectives, events, and resources on the above; it will also be linked to one or more discussion forums. Initiatives covered will feature on a map of India. As far as possible, contact details of those involved in these initiatives will be provided to enable people-to-people contact. Most important, the site enables anyone to contribute material on initiatives they are familiar with, or working on.


We hope you find Vikalp Sangam inspiring!


Pl. contribute stories, perspectives, events, resources .... and provide links to this site on your sites, send out to your networks, put into your newsletters, etc.


Kalpavriksh, Shikshantar, Bhoomi College, and Deccan Development Society

PS: I'm one of the editors for this website.

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