Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Pune, 20 Sep : Movie Screening on Climate Change and the Global People's Movement

Inviting you to a Movie Screening and discussion...
on the People's Movement blossoming all around the world around the issue of Climate Change.
It's not just about weather, or pollution, or food, or social justice.. it's everything together.

Join us at Mona and Ajay Dalmia's place,
in Baner, Pune
from 10.30am onwards,
this Saturday, 20 September 2014

(Length: 1 hour. See http://watchdisruption.com/ )

Freak weather events like the one our countrymen in Kashmir and our neighbours in Pakistan are suffering through right now are happening with increasing intensity all across the planet; happening unexpectedly in places that aren't even in high-risk zones. Directly as a result of the rampant increase in greenhouse gas levels being dumped without any checks by an economy addicted to fossil fuels. The denialist lobbies keep picking on the warming-or-not-warming confusion, all the while distracting our attention away from the actual violent weather increases that are the real symptoms of a destabilizing global climate. It's time to disrupt the comfortable shenanigans and bring attention back to what's happening on the ground.

This weekend we're witnessing a global people's march on climate change, with thousands of people all over the world coming together and sending world leaders a clear message on the eve of a global UN summit.

Catch the action in your city here:


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